The elders lead Grace Point Church by providing spiritual oversight, protection, and instruction. In the New Testament, three terms are used interchangeably to refer to those who make up the leading council of the church: poimēn translated pastor or shepherd, presbuteros translated as elder or presbyter, and episkopos translated as bishop or overseer. Our council of elders is led by our Lead Pastor. The elders are responsible for the ministries of the Word, prayer, spiritual care, leadership, and modeling the Christ-like life. Would you like our elders to be praying for a concern you have or would you like to request pastoral counseling? Learn more here.
Pastor Eric Fannin is the Lead Elder/Lead Pastor of Grace Point Church. In addition to leading the elders, he takes the brunt of preaching, teaching, and pastoral care at Grace Point.
Pastor Jason Curneal is a founding elder at Grace Point Church. He oversees the worship ministry and youth ministry at Grace Point. He teaches a Sunday morning Bible Study.
Pastor Alex Messamore is an elder at Grace Point Church. He oversees the missions and evangelism ministries at Grace Point and teaches a Sunday morning Bible Study.
Pastor Larry Pendergraft is a founding elder at Grace Point Church. He oversees many administrative ministries at Grace Point and teaches a Sunday morning Bible Study.